Monday, June 28, 2010

Cucumbers and such...

Today I am starting the process of pickling the cucumbers that we harvested from our garden last week.

This will be my third year to make pickles.

Year one was an utter disaster. The solution that I used for the pickles was tasty, but the pickles were really mushy. I ended up throwing away most of what I made.

Last year, I had three cucumber plants and I got enough cucumbers from them to make about 8 pints of pickles.  My dad suggested that if I soaked the cucumbers in a pickling lime mixture before I canned them, it might keep them crisp. He was correct.  I felt that I had made progress simply because the pickles were not mushy! 

They were met with mixed reviews from my family and friends.  About half of the pickles that I made were kosher dill. Some people loved them (my sister), some tolerated them (Farmer B and M2) and some said they were intirely too sour (everyone else). The other half of the pickles were bread and butter style. Those were generally tollerated by everyone and even enjoyed by a few people.

I'll keep you posted on this year's batch!

This morning I picked around 3 1/2 quarts of blackberries--now washed and placed in the freezer.

And I think I have finally aquired enough green beans to cook them for dinner.  It only took a week!


Mandy Babb said...

So I want that awesome basket that the green beans are in. Well, maybe just one that's like it, not that exact one. Also, I cannot WAIT to try the pickles!!!!! AHH! They were so stinking good last year! I hope they're as flaming hot and pickly this year!

"Elle" Lee said...

I hope they taste good! I did adjust the ratio on the vinegar in hopes that they don't turn your mouth inside out when you eat them. LOL said...

My are quite the gardener! The pictures you have of your harvest look like something out of a gardening magazine. I am quite proud of you!